Study of a small rock – a diorama for the daydreamer (after Drysdale)
Found Rock, Wolff’s Carbon Pencil and watercolour on Fabriano Paper
Framed size: 119cm wide x 120cm height
Kedumba Drawing Award 2024 Winner
This drawing study of a small rock enriched with minute ridges and canyons, inspires memories of past walking adventures in the outback. As I detail its peaks, ridges and sheltered spaces, it becomes an aberration, creating paths for the imagination, for adventurous exploration, for rest and quiet thought.
The remarkable painting of Russell Drysdale’s “The Rabbiters”, comes to mind. One of many works responding to a perplexing landscape during a time of terrible drought.
For me, this small rock is a symbol of the Australian landscape – hostile, beautiful and all-embracing to the imagination.